Join our GROW community (free). Let's help our children grow into response-able adults through lessons from farming and entrepreneurship.

Watch the video below to understand why we're doing this...

We are currently working on the step-by-step guide for a child-owned and -managed microgreen business. In the meantime, let's get you started with a fun and easy agricultural project: growing nutritious wheatgrass.

After submitting your info below, you'll be directed to the free video guide for growing and juicing wheatgrass. For future reference, you'll also receive an email from "" with a link to the free guide.

Literally, 10 to 12 days from today, you can be sipping your own organic, homegrown wheatgrass juice!

We'll continue to send updates as the program takes shape. We can't wait to see your grow :)


How would you feel if you walked away from $13M?

John Chin

Real Estate Investor Turned Crypto Evangelist

I know how it feels because I did... and for a stupid reason.

I sold 447 bitcoin when it was $255 (D'oh! You do the math).

The worst part: I celebrated my smartness by treating myself to (what turned out to be) an eight-figure ($) steak dinner.

You see, at the time (2013), I didn't understand what bitcoin was, or what it represented. To me, it was just some tech-hype that occasionally made headlines for being a "scam." I wouldn't have been able to explain it to you if you asked. All I knew was, there were internet geeks out there that might pay more than what I paid at some point... a gamble.

So when I quadrupled (4x'd) my return, I sold.

The worst investing decision of my life.

Another 4 years would pass before I understood WHY bitcoin was so important, and WHY it was here to stay (at least the technology)...

Putting aside bitcoin's parabolic price run the last 13 years, the underlying blockchain technology is a BIG DEAL. Bitcoin is just a small part.

(If you're unfamiliar with crypto-speak, no worries... we'll bring you up to speed. Don't let me lose you here. For now, trust that the future I highlight below will be YOUR reality and the reality of YOUR kin... it's inevitable)

I'll explain...

The world-changing technology of blockchain allows ANY two parties to transact ANYTHING directly with each other WITHOUT a central authority needing to provide trust in the transaction (e.g. banks, art dealers, title companies, suppliers, retailers, lawyers, etc.).

That means the COST, the DELAYS, and the RISKS added by "middle men" are removed from these peer-to-peer transactions. It also means common investors are able to subvert controlling power structures that have intentionally and unintentionally eroded value from economies and financial markets for their self interest.

I know, it's an abstract concept for crypto-newbies to grasp. But once you get your head around it, you'll appreciate the magnitude of this new development.

Imagine how a 5-year old felt about the internet revolution during the era of dial-up modems and AOL 🤔 That's how most people are today. They don't have a clue.

And that's the opportunity for you.

Blockchain technology (and all its uses) literally changes the way we interact and do LIFE...

From the ability to send a family member $10k across the globe without a bank,

To buying and owning a piece of equity in your favorite soccer club,

To validating the identity of a farmer in Kenya to offer them a micro-loan...

All direct... all "trustless"... all instant. There are, literally, millions of applications that are now only starting to surface.

The bottom line:

Crypto investing allows us to profit from the way blockchain technology enables us to do life; more SECURELY, FASTER, and with LESS COST.

This is still sinking in for me years later.

Which brings us to the close of my story...

Shortly after bitcoin's price retracted from it's 2017 high, I came back into the market with a renewed enthusiasm for the future of blockchain tech... and I took a far less casual approach.

With a better understanding of the technology (I still consider myself a newbie), and by using time-tested investment principles, I've quadrupled (again) my invested capital (based on a $30k bitcoin price)... and I did it feeling good about the volatile market swings.

(Mind you, a 4x return in crypto over that amount of time is LOW)

I spent HOURS on forums... watching videos... talking to "experts"... listening to podcasts... to arrive at a place that made me feel safe about how to profit in crypto, long-term, with a decent portion of my personal savings.

If you've done any amount of research, you probably agree, there is a LOT of noise out there, and very little practical TRUTH.

Most crypto investors, like any kind of investor, downplay their losses... and if they did well, most were lucky.

BTW, this reminds me of a couple points we make in our training:

Important distinction #1: technical knowledge is NOT investment knowledge. Very few crypto investors know what they're doing when it comes to serious investing with large amounts of money...

and Important Distinction #2: A 100x gain of a college student's stimulus check, from a lucky bet, is far different than the approach a baby boomer might take to 2x their retirement portfolio.

Our team feels that it should be much easier and simpler for the average person to SAFELY take advantage of the fortunes this industry will continue to produce.

So my partners and I teamed up with true investment and crypto experts to help you separate chatter from truth. Now, you don't have to waste time and money, like I did, to reclaim your economic power through crypto investing.

We invite you to fast-track your education by joining our live Crypto 101 Training, where we walk you through the basic education needed to feel safe about crypto investing, and we take you by the hand to help you make your first small crypto purchase if this is still something you need to do.

We want to make it as easy as possible for you (and your friends and relatives) to take advantage of this education so we priced it at an affordable $50.

Sign up below and invite others to join. 📢

We'll see you there!

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